
Principled Learning Strategies works closely with students, teachers and leaders to help communities transition toward student-centered, globally-connected teaching and learning practices.

All PLS services are available in Spanish and English, on a sliding cost scale, to ensure equity of access for all communities.

We work with schools at all levels, to ensure deep shifts in teaching and learning culture

Using student-centered pedagogies like Project-Based Learning and Design Thinking, in connection toGlobal Education and Culturally-Responsive Education for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, we help communities build more inclusive, authentic learning experiences that ground teaching and learning in relevance and purpose while building participants' leadership and agency for a changing world. We also work with leaders to develop  governance strategies that support change.

For Students

Small and Large Group Leadership Workshops for high school and university students, and recent graduates are designed to inspire and equip students to design and lead global and local initiatives, born from their sense of passion and purpose, so they can contribute to positive change in uncertain times

For Teachers

Personalized professional learning workshops and long-term coaching for teachers are designed to inspire and equip teachers and leaders on topics such as The Landscape Model of Learning, Project-Based Learning, Global Competencies and Partnerships, Intercultural Skill Building, Culturally-Responsive Education, and more

For Leaders

Personalized workshops, coaching, and long-term planning support are designed to support leaders of PreK-12, university, and other organizations on topics such as Leading the Landscape Model, Leading Transformation in Traditional Contexts, Redesigning the Schoolhouse for Student-Centered Learning, and more

For Networks and Districts

Personalized workshops and long-term planning support at the organizational, district, and network level are designed to ensure continuity of vision and implementation, and to guide  broader governance, infrastructural, cultural and other organizational shifts required to support change


We help communities engage multiple strategies to develop transformative programs and practices.



roject Based Learning geared toward solution building, social action, self-expression, effective cross-cultural dialogue, collaboration, and the exploration of cultural and personal identity.


esources that include web-based curriculum and professional development geared directly towards the needs of teachers, bringing the world into classrooms and classrooms into the world.


nternational Collaborations & Travel program development, including international home stay and service projects. Scholarship development for equity of opportunity to go abroad.


etworking with other global educators, providing practical partnerships with global educational organizations and inspiring creative avenues for teaching controversial global topics.


urriculum and Professional Development that gives teachers practical methodologies for the global enrichment of their courses (K-12), and evaluation strategies which ensure authentic cross-cultural experiences.


ntegration of global issues across the curriculum, school-wide international event planning, and support for mainstreaming global topics across all grade levels and disciplines.


edagogies that help your students build critical thinking and problem-solving skills through interactions with global issues and the perspectives of people experiencing them.


eadership Strategies that help students find constructive avenues for responding to global conflict, simultaneously developing their cross-cultural competency as 21st Century thinkers and learners.


-Technologies that use social networking and digital video conferencing to connect directly connect students with other young people in the world.


iversity and Pluralism that develop students’ ability to hear and honor the needs of others. Global education moves students beyond tolerance to authentic understanding and compassion for the experience of others.

We work with students, teachers, leaders and organizational networks to foster culturally-responsive practices that ensure equity and inclusion for all. Culturally-responsive education for diversity, equity and inclusion strives to...

  • Ensure educators work from an asset mindset about cultural differences and other elements of identity, seeking to leverage students' skills, identities, values and family histories in positive ways.
  • Guarantee inclusion and equity through pedagogies that offer multiple pathways through learning.
  • Foster intercultural dialogue and understanding across all circles of community, to ensure a deep sense of belonging and safety for all community members.
  • Address inclusion and equity challenges through projects that take on hard topics like racism, stereotyping, and other elements of students' lived experiences.

Project-Based Learning, in complement with strategies from Design Thinking and other constructivist methodologies, fosters students' skills for our times while simultaneously ensuring deep, transferable academic learning. High quality Project-Based Learning strives to...

  • Place students as central investigators and protagonists in their education, increasing motivation and engagement.
  • Ensure all projects meet academic standards across disciplines, through addressing and solving authentic challenges.
  • Use formative evaluation and cycles of critique and revision to ensure every student reach their highest level of success.
  • Place student voice at the heart of all school culture, ensuring that school improvement starts from our most important stakeholders.

Global Education focuses on the development of students' global competencies through globally- and locally-relevant projects that address real challenges. High-quality global education includes...

  • Global partnerships that allow students to learn from and with students and experts around the world.
  • Global projects that allow students to solve real global and local issues in equitable ways.
  • The intentional development and use of global competencies, and their application in local intercultural dialogue as well.
  • Opportunities to collaborate and co-create with young leaders around the world, building students' networks and ensuring they learn to engage with the world with an asset lens.

To ensure the success of pedagogical and cultural shifts in their communities, school leaders need to plan deeper changes that support those shifts, including the following:

  • Ensure that deeper cultural shifts are effective, including developing inspiration, vision and buy-in from all stakeholders (parents, school board, investors, etc.).
  • Ensure that leaders have support to develop governance structures and leadership approaches that unite their community in constructive collaboration, addressing division through participant-centered reconciliation and restorative practices.
  • Ensure that the physical infrastructure supports student-centered learning, including flexible furniture, collaborative learning spaces, and more.
  • Ensure that the physical infrastructure supports global education, including the technological hardware and connectivity required for live partnerships.

My school life was completely changed after Jennifer's addition to the school. She brought humanity, self-awareness and awoke our sense of individual and collective responsibility in Caobos. She made us feel important and heard since day one...


Ms. Jennifer Klein is one of the most innovative and inspiring educators that I have met in my professional career...


Jennifer Klein is an amazing educator and facilitator. I have been able to witness incredible transformations in teachers...


After working with Jennifer and Global PBL, our instructional coaches and curricular leaders were supported with strategies in facilitation and planning to help teachers develop intentional project based learning units with relevant launches to engage students in developing social and global awareness - uncovering the purpose and value of what they were learning, while empowering them to own the learning process.


I feel hopeful. It has maximized my hope for a brighter future where students are prepared for the present and the future...

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